Developer Labs

What on Earth are Zigbee and Z-Wave?


‘Zigbee’ and ‘Z-Wave’, heard these terms very often? For those of you wondering what on earth those words mean, we have taken a stab at it here, to de-mystify these terms for you.In this three-part series, this first blog will focus on what Zigbee and Z-Wave are. Why are they… Read More

Usecase for COCO’s usefulness for the Energy Sector


A seamless customer experience has now become a differentiator for energy providers. Additionally, customers demand convenience, savings, greater control, and simplicity; precisely the kind of experiences they enjoy in their retail dealings. In response to new customer demands, the road ahead will require utility companies to integrate devices and services… Read More

Transforming IoT with decentralized platform features for smart home consumers


It’s all about faster, cheaper, and better. For businesses or end-consumers, the agenda of IoT was to make living smarter, achieving better connectivity. Just connecting things to the internet cannot create a network of apps and devices that can communicate with the barriers of commercialisation. The real connectivity is to be… Read More

ISPs can go Above and Beyond delivering Only Connectivity


How can telcos, cable companies, or satellite providers as ISPs differentiate themselves? The Internet as a commodity is indispensable among consumers. But the internet service provider (ISP) can be replaced by a competitor for more than one reason. Differentiating against competitors. There is very little to differentiate an internet service bundle… Read More